The Upcoming iPhone 15 Ultra 2023 – The Rumors

The Upcoming iPhone 15 Ultra – The Rumors We just had the taste of the best and the latest from the iPhone 14 series and yet tell tales of the upcoming iPhone 15 Ultra kept coming. Are these rumors so enticing that they will make you take a pause on getting the iPhone 14? Let’s see. Here are the supposedly […]

This is The Nothing Phone

Nothing Nothing is a new tech company founded by Carl Pei. Name sounds familiar? He was a co-founder of the famous OnePlus. The company who introduced the term “Flagship Killer” mobile devices that went head to head with the likes of Apple and Samsung that cost more than half of the high-end phones out there. Well at least during their […]

Microsoft Windows 11 is here!

A Subtle Design Upgrade Windows 11 showcases a simpler and subtle look and feel with bright but calm colors. I really like the default wallpaper. The aim of the design is for easy accessibility and to be more user-friendly . It will also feature a translucent window design with rounded border and sets of new wallpapers. Start Menu Now at […]